"shakatanmomo-iro" is the color that was born from the "teaching" ofthe Buddha was put in the "Rebirth" of birthday.
They say that sense of "Rebirth" of your birthday, "carefree, big,lie, lie, bullshit"
In the sense that, and it came out the first image is somehow very different.
Buddha, He have preaching this about "Rebirth" that.
Impermanence world (all of which are always changing) is a strugglingeternal peace does not exist, and bitter and has begun at the time ofbirth. Born as human
suffering, everyone is sure to experience. Whatvisit to everyone equally.
Buddha said, "Rebirth", the world of the fictional world is, and golive happily without attachment to suffering.
Take the good with the bad, the acceptability of such pink, the colorof the humor also be unpleasant laugh.
In addition to just a little bit yellow, was dyed a color "shakatanmomo-iro".
hakatanmomo-iro is also the color of ultimate healing.And all that kind of wraps, who did not make this thing,
The Color all wrapped around the heart, to stand by us to own thelargest of all tangible,
is the nearest, even fascinated by beautiful Japanese skin tone tired skin,also, color me beautiful and also let me know their own mind.
The world is an imaginary world .... and.
New for my birthday, "Rebirth"